
Our courses serve as a platform to build networks with professionals, public institutions, and key stakeholders to achieve our primary objectives. As a school, we are a hub of communities of narrative makers, and our courses serve as a tool for opening a cross-narrative dialogue. The courses are designed to be flexible and adaptive, responding to the territorial needs of the regions where they are offered. Our primary focus is to promote inter-territorial processes of identification, coalition, and partnership.

The themes and curricula of our courses are not predetermined, but are developed in response to the needs of the community. This approach allows us to offer courses that are relevant to the unique landscape of each region. The courses are intended to serve as a glue for the continental mosaics of landscapes, connecting people and places across different regions and ecosystems.

One of the key objectives of our courses is to foster collaboration and build partnerships. We believe that this is essential for creating sustainable and resilient landscapes. By bringing together professionals, public institutions, and key stakeholders, we can work together to identify common goals and develop strategies for achieving them.

Our courses are also designed to be inclusive and accessible. We believe that education should be available to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages participation and fosters learning.

In conclusion, our courses serve as a platform for networking, building partnerships, and promoting inter-territorial processes of identification and coalition. They are designed to be flexible and adaptive, responding to the unique needs of each region. Our goal is to foster collaboration and create sustainable and resilient landscapes, while also promoting inclusivity and accessibility in education.

Agroforest Teachers Training

Ecological Restoration in Climate Scale

Volunteers Cordinating Course